Raices Argentinas

Discover Raices Argentinas, where passion and exclusivity come together. Born from a friendship of over 25 years between three friends, our goal is to share the passion and identity of Argentina with the world through exclusive local products that represent us.

Immerse yourself in the richness of our culture and savor the authentic flavors that define our nation. Our carefully curated selection showcases the best of our heritage, ensuring quality and authenticity.

Whether you’re a connoisseur, an adventurer, or simply curious to explore the allure of Argentina, Raices Argentinas has something special for everyone. Let us be your gateway to a world of extraordinary flavors and unforgettable moments.


The philosophy of our company is to bring a piece of our beloved Argentina to your table with exclusive, high-quality products.


We carefully select our suppliers, personally test all the products we offer, and only then deliver them to you.


Discover our exclusive range of products that we distribute exclusively. Enjoy our premium and exclusive selection, carefully chosen for your satisfaction.

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